Thursday, February 25, 2010

The trouble with likes

The Turquoise Bag has had a rather contemplative time of late – answering questions and being accused of being a feminist and all that. Make no mistake she does enjoy a good challenge and a heartfelt request for her to share her wisdom, but every handbag deserves a break from being an agony aunt. There are some questions in her inbox which she will answer in due time but for today she’s going to be a tad selfish and write about the things that bring delight to her little handbag life. She has realized that likes and dislikes often change. That’s the trouble with them, or so she used to think. It used to really bother TTB that she would like something for awhile and then change her mind. Or really dislike something (or someone for that matter) and then have a change of heart. She thought this made her flaky, a bit like a Bermuda, or inconsistent or even unreliable. However, she made an important realization that people’s tastes change over time and that’s a-okay. After all, the fashion industry would cease to exist if we just liked the same things for forever and a day. You see, dear reader, likes are different to commitments. Commitments need to be iron clad and unchanging. They can’t be influenced by emotions. Sometimes we have to make decisions to commit to things and then stick to it whether we like it or not. (This is good, solid advice for relationships, but let’s not go there today. TTB has realized that her blog entries have become very serious and she wants to indulge in a little frivolity.) In the frivolous things in life, one must be free to like and dislike whatever one pleases. Even better, a handbag can change her mind about frivolous things too! So here’s a list of TTB’s likes at the moment (they are subject to change – as are yours!):

1) Estee Lauder (Anything by Estee Lauder)
2) Exclusive Books
3) Seattle’s Hot Chocolate
4) Chocochinos from Woolworths
5) Smarties
6) Mint Crisp Chocolate (Only Cadbury’s, dahling!)
7) Dark Chocolate (Cadbury’s but Lindt suffices)
8) Her Guess Skinny jeans (which she can’t fit into because of the likes above)
9) Running (To counteract said like of all things chocolatey and not being able to fit into Guess jeans)
10) Runner’s World Magazine (Bought to keep like of running alive; lest it fall into the dislike category and Guess jeans become a white elephant)
11) Holidays at the Beach
12) Reading
13) Triple Chocolate Mousse from Woolworths
14) Rye Bread
15) Series!
16) Receiving letters
17) Clutch Pencils

TTB thought it good to end on a prime number (instead of her usual practice of keeping it even) as she is trying to work on her perfectionism. She is not going to list her dislikes. This blog is really devoted to writing about the things she objects to in this crazy world we call home and she would hate to bore anyone by being repetitive. So until next time, TTB bids you adieu and advises you to stay well away from that Bermuda triangle!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I do like your list of likes {although running is a mystery to me}! Mmm..I miss Woolies and Mint crisps...yum. Enjoy one for me! {Or not after your "feeling fat" dilemma, dahling!}
